The Gargoyle Chronicles
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Love in the Time of Political Correctness

Ebook & Paperback released on Amazon


Book I from

The Compendium of Love & Loss

Memories & Realities

When life is split in two it will eventually collide with its other self.

Such is the dilemma for Jorel d'Vaid as he attempts to navigate life after love and loss and cancer in a world smothered by political correctness.

The Compendium of Love & Loss is a series of romance adventures. Each novel is set in Melbourne and follows chronologically, but none of the characters from the first three books cross paths, until…

Novels by Oznonymous Click on cover to access sample chapters Scroll Down for more books to purchase
The Gargoyle Chronicles Click here to see D J Meyers' works
Click here to see The Gargoyle's works

Paper Cranes

(& Other Oral Origami)

Ebook & Paperback released on Amazon


A collection of short stories featuring the writing of D J Meyers and Oznonymous. Paper Cranes comprises eight stories, which touch on gun control, green energy, psychosis, loneliness, political correctness & a lonely gargoyle perched up high on Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.

Oznonymous contributes the gun control thriller Lost in Authonomy, as well as the psychological thriller The Creature from beyond the Coffee Cup, the politically incorrect Politically InCorrect Fishbowl, and the loneliness mystery Skeleton Coast - Postcards from the Dead.

Novels by Oznonymous Click on cover to access sample chapters Scroll Down for more books to purchase
Click here to see D J Meyers' works
Click here to see D J Meyers' works

Sentenced to Obscurity

(A tortured tale of forbidden love that resonates into a dystopian nightmare)

Ebook & Paperback released on Amazon


There once was an idea of a book from the past that wrote the future, which in turn spawned a book in the future that wrote the past.  Author Indigo Meier did not take risks, he did not make mistakes, but he did have a furtive imagination that spawned the futuristic tale, 'Humanity's Sunset over Osaka Bay'.  His first mistake was to fall for an actress on hard times; the beautiful Charlotte Watson. The next mistake was to show her his novel, the first person ever to read it. All subsequent mistakes were written into a history that would destroy them both.

Humanity would never be the same. The future

isn’t written, it is designed. The past was

not written, it was designed...

Novels by the Oznonymous Click on cover to access sample chapters Click here to see The Gargoyle's works